Aggravated Relational Aggression Using Police Perpetrated Violence Headline Animator

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

But, It Can Be Worse

Dear Annie:
I've been seeing "Ted" for six months. At first, I thought his teasing was just a passing thing, but his comments have become demeaning and disrespectful.

For example, when I say I will put the groceries away, he says, "Do you know how?" He demeans the work I do, the friends I have, doesn't like when my cell phone rings, etc. When he hears a song we grew up with, he says it must be from "your era," even though he's only months older than I. We are both in our mid-50s.

It is emotionally taxing to be with Ted, but he claims I'm overly sensitive and then packs on the guilt by saying he will stop talking altogether so I won't be offended. He's extremely controlling. It's his way or no way. I have never before been spoken to like this and do not intend to put up with it from him. What can I do besides leave? -Scrambled

Dear Scrambled: Nothing. There is no evidence in your letter that either of you cares deeply for the other. He sounds emotionally abusive. Walk away.

Dear Annie:
Unfortunately, it started when Noah was building his Ark. The towns people had the spirit of RIDICULE. Luckily, Noah had a family for support.

But it can be worse. The worse thing that could ever happen is when a person is subjected to the spirit of RIDICULE while in power. I knew a police officer in Napa, California who could give you the worst dirty looks it would knock you over. Today, that officer has been promoted to Sergeant and can has contributed to more abuse using people in my town 500 miles away. In essence, she has been given authority to make my life miserable where ever I go

"It don't matter to me. I'm almost retired and a reputation or family legacy means nothing. Isn't that funny?"

Sergeant Officer Debbie Peecook can make law enforcement rear their ugly baboon faces at a snap of her fingers because she knows I have a deep seated hatred toward men, their evil actions and inactions. Law enforcement can use punks and hooligans to menace me until my grief is beyond human comprehension while using me as a human battering instrument in their darkened alleys.

Using degradation, humiliation, defilement, and demeaning actions are forms of control that leave you with none with the exception of drowning your grief with an drug overdose and alcohol consumption. These actions are endorsed by your Federal Judges "in the name of terrorism" and are excuses used to justify terrorism so you will collapse and commit suicide. While your emails for help go unheard, law enforcement threatens that "If you call 911 one more time, you will go to jail."

People love to make other people miserable because they are miserable. If they observe you smiling and having a moment of fun, they can stand a few feet, 24/7, and laugh and yell:

  • "No one gives a damn about you."
  • "No one cares!"
  • "You are mentally ill!"
  • "You are a Dike!" and other derogatory names.
  • "You will never find any friends because we will run them off your property."
  • "She can't see the forest from the trees."

I know many many people who can call for protection against these peace disturbances. Except when you become a victim of inequality, you must fight for your life until a tragedy occurs. When everyone around you has been convinced that you are mentally ill, law enforcement can then justify their actions of abuse.

While law enforcement officers preach to every one about crime prevention, drug prevention, alcoholic drivers etc. their dual personalities are busy destroying your credility,making you live in a dysfunctional and toxic environment while focusing on you as a target to keep you locked into the legal system of abuse.

It is taxing having run you from town. to town, city to city, and state to state while allowing your personal and real property to be forfeited. It is a form of "curative" rape to keep a woman lost and confused and her sexual orientation from ever being recognized and acknowledged.

Seemingly, in terror, she must be forced into clinging on to men. Once your personal identity has been distorted beyond human recognition, people can then try to sexually control you for their own use as a sexual instrument.

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