Aggravated Relational Aggression Using Police Perpetrated Violence Headline Animator

Monday, July 2, 2012

"If You Don't Like It: Move!"

As a woman having had her children removed from her custody “lawfully”, "lawfully" pilfered vehicles, "lawfully" pilfered property and inheritance, I have been made to feel discarded like an empty egg shell with everything taken, even honor, and it's okay to be dehumanized.

Used and abused by the community, their 18+ punks and 15 year old brats, I constantly hear, "If you don't like it: move!"  That's right. Leave whatever you have left and move!  The jealousies of the neighbors coveting whatever little possessions you have left is motivation to run you out of town. 

Cowardly leaders in the community know how to give lip service but in reality are unable to do the right thing because they fear the violence of men in Klamath Falls. When a woman is sent to the gutter, the climate of hostility is reduced and the bravery of men becomes noticed.

If you compare Klamath Falls, Oregon, with the people in the Kentucky mountains, you would find many similiarities: Nosey neighbors who notice when you come and go: when you get back from grocery shopping. So, we dodge their jealous grumblings by  waiting until dark to sneak all the bags of food into the house. 

Many Christian gentiles in the community were aware I was homeless for years (four + ). They are also aware of the atrocity of human and civil right violations. Recently, they found out I finally found a location as my residence.  You would think these Christian people would be happy for you. But, not in Klamath Falls.  Loading more problems on your back and using emotional abuse is the norm. 

Even though Christian neighbors notice and are aware that you walk for miles to care for your mustangs in the freeze of winter, (even while sick with my ears  bloody with pus), the disappearance of my scooter chain and scooter band used for temporary transportation cannot be questioned or threats of reporting you to the police will be met. 

The punishment of a "Christian" mother is start garbage service at her front door so her girl screaming teenage boys don't have to walk all the way across the street and freeze their little "Christian" tootsies off. The mind games are relentless.

Letters of reference do not matter either. You can live in harmony with neighbors for years and be a library role model. Then, in one instance of a life changing residential move to a new neighborhood, a complaint driven Christian with her Christian law enforcement officer can act like they've known your character all their life. This judgment call is a power driven action designed for testing credibility:  The "important people" of their "turf" vs. The frail and injured poverty stricken woman working at witts end to be fit for the day she reunites with her children.  But, the Christian gentiles are incredibly unmerciful. Any mother who is dedicated to retaining custody of their children will only be supported through emotional abuse.

As a single woman, I've noticed other women from a couple testing whether you are going to take "her man."  The mind games are endless with tests that include circling the block to see if  you are flirting with their men. The testing goes on as the neighbors size you up. Is she a swinger wanting a menoaga twia?  It never dawns on them whether or not you are a wretched man loathing lesbian.

 Is that a man murmuring your name outside your window?

New changes call for some form of initiation." (Kind of like when the Hell's Angels initiate one another by pissing on them...)   Initiation has become a  natural action when you acquire a new job, new neighborhood, new school, new      ..... occurs. While these shit disturbing twerps exploit our personal qualities to turn us into old vile haggard women before our time, their ultimate attempts are to lure you into the hands of jailers and prosecutors. This justifies their Sundays when they go to church and ask for forgiveness. 

Honoring good women has been made possible by U.S. officials. Turning them into internal toilets at their whim.  A "he said, she said" is all it takes. But, there was one young man who saw through the dishonor, Mr. Vili Fualaau. While the US govt tore apart the schoolteacher labeling her a sex offender, Mr. Fualaau  waited until he became of age. He was faithful to her and waited until she was released from prison from 1997 to 2004. With extremely rare courage, unbeknownst to any American male, he has kept her young and beautiful. For these honorary acts, Mr. Vili Fualaau should win a puliter prize for representing what a real man is.

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